The museum was founded in 1957 following a donation of 902 archaeological pieces from Barbu Ionescu, an accountant who was the first director of the museum until 1968. In 1968 he was appointed director Donea Şerbănescu who reorganized and modernized the museum. The museum's collections have increased significantly, reaching 15,500 archaeological and numismatic items. The building is built in 1926 (arch. Ion Cernescu). It was originally intended to host cultural events, then some of the local branch temporarily housed Olteniţa National Bank and People's Council District.
The materials that are exposed are from Gumelniţa Neolithic Culture (stone tools and antler, ceramic figurines, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic vessels, harpoons, stone axes, plastics), treasures of the first millennium A.D., treasures of jewelry from Colibaşi, Chirnogi.
The main exhibition includes objects that belonged to civilizations that have evolved in the center of the Romanian Plain, such as culture Dudeşti discovered at Căsciorele and Vasilaţi, Boian culture illustrated by the finds at Spanţov, Căsciorele or Vlădiceasca. A special place was reserved civilization Gumelniţa presentation, which was given ample space. The museum's collection is displayed on sites for the visitor to have to face vestiges each community to form a complete picture about occupations and way of life of man from ancient times.
Periods represented are:
1. The Neolithic Age:
2. The period of transition from the Bronze Age:
- The Cernavoda Culture
- The Cernavoda II Culture
3. Bronze Age Culture:
- Glina Culture
- Tei Culture
- Radovanu Culture
4. Ancient Culture: The Geto-Dacian civilization
The cultural goods are classified in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure.