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Gumelniţa Civilization Museum in partnership with the National Institute of Heritage invites you to a conference on "National Cultural Heritage. From warehouse to the European Digital Library: Europeana.eu "organized under the auspices of the cultural project" 3D Perspective on prehistory. Heritage Museum of Gumelniţa Civilization in light of new information technologies”

The project is co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration.
Speakers: Theodor Zavalaş (manager Museum of Gumelniţa Civilization)-Opening
Prof. Constantin Hociotă - Cultural heritage between responsibility and recklessness
Dan Matei (National Institute of Heritage) - European: the starting point of a new generation of digital libraries
Bogdan Şandric (National Institute of Heritage) - the "3D Perspective on prehistory. Heritage Museum of Gumelniţa Civilization in light of new information technologies ".
Andrei Vasile, Oana Borlean, Adriana Vîlcu - Launching website www.muzeulgumelnita.ro.
The event will take place on 9 November 2015 from 11 am in the Great Hall of Olteniţa.

Expoziții și Evenimente



Addresss: The Gumelnita Civilization Museum, Argeșului street no. 101, 915400 Oltenița, Călărași County, Romania.
Phone/fax: 0242.511.174

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Program and access

The Museum of Gumelnița Culture

Program: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 16 p.m.

Entrance fee: General entrance: 2 lei;
Discounted tickets (for seniors, students and children): 1 leu.

Photographed items: - Individuals 20 lei - Corporations 100 lei.
Guide for groups 1-10 people 10 lei, more then 10 people 20 lei.